Not sure what size football is right for you? Follow our sizing guide below:
Official American Football Size Guide

Official Pro Footballs (Size 9+, Ages 14 & up)
Big Game’s competitive pro footballs are in line with the dimensions set by all North American pro leagues – approximately 11 to 11.25 inches in length, with a circumference of roughly 28 inches on the long side of the ball and 21 inches on the short side, and a slightly wider nose than collegiate or high school footballs. The main distinction between official college footballs and those used in the NFL and other pro leagues is two 1-inch half-stripes located 3 to 3.25 inches from either end of the ball. Our pro regulation footballs are made with the same materials and dimensions as the balls used by pro teams all across the continent.

Official College Footballs (Size 9, Ages 14 & up)
Big Game’s competitive footballs are the exact dimensions set down by the NCAA – approximately 10.5 to 11.5 inches in length, with a circumference of roughly 27.75 inches on the long side of the ball and 20.75 inches on the short side. Each of our NCAA regulation footballs are made with the same materials and dimensions as the balls used by collegiate athletic programs all across the country. And now, you too, can own an official college football!

High School Footballs (Size 9, Ages 14 & up)
High school footballs generally fall under the same size and weight regulations as college footballs. By giving your high school players an authentic leather football straight from America’s No. 1 manufacturer of NCAA-regulation balls, you can help them advance their athletic career and improve their skill in this great American pastime. There are few things we love more than Friday nights in the fall, and we’re proud to be the official football manufacturer for thousands of programs across the nation.

Youth Footballs (Size 8, Ages 12-14)
In addition to manufacturing footballs for college and high school teams from coast-to-coast, Big Game also makes youth footballs for young athletes with a suggested age range of 12 to 14 years old. Youth footballs weigh about 12.7 ounces, with a long circumference of roughly 26.5 inches and a short circumference of about 19.625 inches. These footballs are slightly smaller than the high school/college size, which allows younger players to get a better grip when holding the ball.

Junior Footballs (Size 7, Ages 9-12)
Although 9–12-year old’s may not be ready for the big leagues yet, an appropriately sized pigskin can help instill a love of the game from an early age. Boost your player’s confidence by equipping them with a Big Game junior football, designed with an approximate weight of 10.7 ounces, featuring a long circumference of roughly 25.375 inches and a short circumference of about 18.625 inches. With one of these junior size footballs, they’ll be throwing perfect spirals in no time.

Pee Wee Footballs (Size 6, Age 9 & below)
Here at Big Game we are proud to manufacture tough, durable pee wee footballs that can withstand whatever a child throws at it. Pee Wee footballs have an approximate weight of 9.7 ounces, with a long circumference of roughly 23.25 inches and a short circumference of roughly 17.25 inches. Nourish your little one’s love of football by getting them the gift of a pee wee football today!
Women’s Footballs (Mid-Size, Ages 14 and up)
If you’re looking for an official women’s football, Big Game is one of the only places you’ll be able to find it, and we’re proud of that. Women’s footballs are typically categorized “mid-sized” but are most similar in size, shape and weight to Youth footballs, but have their own distinct design. Depending on the league regulation or preference, they can have their own unique features, as well.
America’s No. 1 Online Football Store!
From our football factory in Texas, the Big Game USA team churns out hundreds of footballs every day, from the competitive footballs seen on the field on game day, to autograph footballs for your personal enjoyment. Get all of your gridiron gear by shopping in our college football store today!